Types Of Wood

Whenever we look at the different pieces of wood furniture that are shown in furniture stores or in our homes these wood furnishings all look the same in color and texture. This is because we see only the smooth brown color that is seen on the surface of the furniture, which in many cases is the polish that has been applied. There is more to wood furniture than just a brown colored wood. Each of these pieces of wood items and furnishing are made from different types of wood.

This means that some of these wood pieces have been given certain treatments to make sure that they will last in various conditions. Now, even though you can find many types of wood being used for various things, there are only certain types of wood that are used for wood crafts. These are the ones that many of us know about. Some of them include oak, pine, cherry, cedar and others to name but a few. Of these woods some are known as hardwood and others are called softwoods.

The difference in the types of wood that is used in furniture stems mainly from the fact that you can use some of those wood types to make various wood creations with no trouble. Regardless from where these types of wood came from there is always the chance that some kind of fungus can attack the wood even while it is in transport and you end up with damaged wood.

This damaged wood can’t be used to make quality furniture. Therefore many wood working companies and wood suppliers look for the types of wood that can be worked without having to worry about any damage occurring due to fungus or termites. Termites are most definitely the bane of life for wood working companies and wood suppliers as the tiny insects like to attack all the wood that they can get to.

Now for all of these reasons you will have to make sure that you buy your wood supplies from places that can guarantee that the various types of wood that they use and have in stock are free form disease and termites. Otherwise you are going to be in lots of trouble and misery due to poor quality wood items.